To mark its 100th birthday, BMW is looking back on a success story – and at the same time is designing a vision of the future: the BMW VISION NEXT 100. In 2016, the visionary vehicle travelled around the world – as part of the BMW Group future exhibition “Iconic Impulses”. On its way from Munich via Beijing and London to Los Angeles, every stage of the exhibition represented new aspects of the BMW Group future visions and urban mobility.
The visionary vehicle from BMW stands for the sheer driving pleasure typical of BMW. And it provides spectacular insights into its future. The starting point for the design process was the interior – as the drivers’ well-being will become increasingly important in the future. They should have the feeling of sitting in a machine conceived for them personally.
In future there will be one focus only: the driver. The BMW VISION NEXT 100 adapts automatically to the aspirations and expectations of the respective owner. You and car therefore become a unit. Permanent connectivity, digital intelligence and state-of-the-art technologies are a great support in accomplishing this. And, on top of it all, this technological progress brings perfection to the owners – making them the ultimate drivers. Yet the BMW VISION NEXT 100 not only assists driving but also enables drivers to take their eyes off the road as well – thanks to autonomous driving. The car takes over, while you are able to concentrate on other things.
The digital intelligence of the BMW VISION NEXT 100 is concentrated in the Companion, which provides the driver with subtle, intuitive assistance in every situation. Perfect connectivity between the user and the surroundings enables the BMW Companion to always provide the right recommendations to meet personal mobility preferences.
“Smart materials” transform the interior into an individual comfort zone, creating space and the right atmosphere for entertainment and relaxation according to the driver’s preference.
In Ease Mode, the driver’s main focus is not on the road, but on the entertainment offering inside the vehicle and surrounding attractions. Using the dynamic display on the windscreen, the BMW VISION NEXT 100 makes personalised recommendations for places and points of interest in the surrounding area.